Share your story.

The Phoenix Forum is a creative outlet for people to share their lives through stories, poems, art and other creative mediums. We believe in connection and community through human experiences. Many of us understand experiences of joy, pain, sorrow, and hope. Yet, we do not often create space to vulnerably share these experiences in effort to engage in collective healing. This space is meant for any human being who wants to be empowered to rise.

News, Storytelling TEDxProvidence News, Storytelling TEDxProvidence

"I hear you": The Psychology of Our Differences

When interacting with people, we can easily identify our differences. But, what happens when we recognize that we all have differences? Communities where individuals can grieve and heal collectively, emerge and are united by a shared identity that influences the ways in which we experience the sociopolitical world. So, how do we advance mental health practices to meet the needs of a diverse world and honor differences?

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Storytelling, News PeaceLove Foundation Storytelling, News PeaceLove Foundation

The Impact of Storytelling

Speaker, writer and advocate José Rosario is a mental health professional with hopes to facilitate change and make an impact across communities. With his message of empowerment and acceptance, he hopes to reach individuals during some of the most tumultuous points of their lives and encourage healing. His initiative, The Phoenix Empowered, strives to assert that it is permissible to rise up and find your voice.

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Storytelling, News PeaceLove Foundation Storytelling, News PeaceLove Foundation

The Power Of Words

With every interpersonal interaction, we have a choice to use words that inspire hope or instill hopelessness. Our words reflect a sense of belonging, of capacity, and of support. In his very first talk, Jose explores the impact of words from others on his own mental health and his work; choosing to rise because of those who empower him.

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